Friday, May 15, 2009 Text and voice reminders for students and teachers---EASY! EASY! EASY!

There are many different cell phone reminder services available online. Many of which I have written about. A few examples include Sendible, Abbyme, Remember the Milk, Google Cal, ReQall, and Alerts. Recently I have been using is a reminder service that uses uses semantic technology to translate human speak into an email, text and/or voice reminder. This means that you only have to type in your reminder on, such as "assignment due at 4:00pm on May 26th". will automatically understand the date and time of the reminder (no need to select dates and times from a menu or schedule). The only negative that I found with this site is that you get 10 SMS or voice reminders for free and then you need to pay for them. If you like this site, I recommend you emailing and asking for a free educator version!! It does not hurt to ask.


Jesmi said...

I found with this site is that you get 10 SMS or voice reminders for free and then you need to pay for them. If you like this site, I recommend you emailing and asking for a free educator version!!

Mr. Bennet said...

My cell phone syncs with outlook, so I just use outlook for all those important things and sync it from time to time. The cell does the rest.

Damian said...

I've found that for timely (and unlimited free!) reminders, no service I've tried has beat PingMe. Reminders can be sent to any email address, phone (via SMS), or even Twitter (via DM).

Of the several similar services I've tried, only PingMe has gotten the reminder to me on time, every time.

As far as I'm concerned, the only thing this service needs is voice integration with a service like Dial2Do. That would truly elevate it from just plain awesome to 'killer app' status.

Anthony Feint said...

Thanks for the great post about Liz,

we're currently in the process of replacing the credits system. Free users will get x number of free sms/voice calls every month.

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