Thursday, February 28, 2013

How Teachers Are Using Mobile Technology Classrooms and Outside of School

PEW Internet and American Life Project has just published the results of their study on how teachers in grades 6-12 are using technology.  A few highlights of the study include...

73% of AP and NWP teachers say that they and/or their students use their mobile phones in the classroom or to complete assignments

43% use tablet computers in the classroom or to complete assignments

ACCESS is still a concern

  • 54% of the teachers say all or almost all of the their students have sufficient access to digital tools inside of school
  • 18% of the teachers say all or almost all of the their students have sufficient access to digital tools outside of school
  • 52% of teachers of upper and upper-middle income students say their students use cell phones to look up information in class, compared with 35% of teachers of the lowest income students
  • 33% of teachers of lower income students say their school’s rules about classroom cell phone use by students have a major impact on their teaching, compared with 15% of those who teach students from the highest income households

One very interesting statistic is that despite their heavy tech use, 42% of the teachers say their students usually know more than they do when it comes to using new digital technologies.  Just 18% feel they know more than their students.  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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I work with so I understand the importance of writing high quality and interesting articles. If you're interested, please let me know and I'll start drafting a unique article for your site.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Bryan Baker

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