Monday, April 12, 2010

Receive text messages without giving out your number!

A new web application called TxtMeBox allows anyone to set up an account so they can receive text messages without having to give out their phone number. When you sign up, you recive a link that you can post on your website (blog, wiki...etc) so that students or parents can click on the link and send you a text. Fortunately you also get a link to cancel all text messages, so that you can stop them if you get bombarded!

Here is my link.


Antony said...
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PuppyDogMom said...

You might want to learn how to spell "receive."

Jason de Nys said...

So in theory you could register all of your 'friends' mobile numbers and post their links somewhere highly trafficked for kicks?

portable wireless router said...

Yes, you might want to learn how to spell "receive."

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