Saturday, July 18, 2009

Cell Phones in Learning Radio Show Wed July 15th: Math Teacher Jimbo Lamb Talks Cell Phones & Learning

Chat Transcript:

Liz Kolb says (19:13:19):
We are talking today with Jimbo Lamb. A Math educator from Pennsylvania, who uses cell phones in his teaching and learning.
Liz Kolb says (19:14:07):
About Chalkbot
Liz Kolb says (19:15:10):
We are talking today with Jimbo Lamb, a secondary Math educator from Pennsylvania who uses cell phones in his teaching.
Liz Kolb says (19:20:11):
We will get started in about 10 minutes!
Liz Kolb says (19:29:46):
Hi Paul Thanks for joining us
Paul R Wood says to (19:30:15):
My pleasure. I am still trying to figure out how we missed each other at NECC. Too funny.
misterlamb says to (19:31:30):
Lance is racing this year
misterlamb says to (19:31:41):
Currently in 3rd place
Liz Kolb says (19:32:14):
Text 'LIVESTRONG' followed by your chalk message to 36453, and we'll let you know when it's written.
Paul R Wood says to (19:32:15):
8 seconds behind
Liz Kolb says (19:32:55):
Liz Kolb says (19:33:50):
Liz Kolb says (19:34:59):
Paul R Wood says to (19:35:09):
From Chalkbot on Twitter: Hey Twitterverse, we are sending out some of our printed messages today via DM. If you are not already following us, please do! Please RT.
Paul R Wood says to (19:37:52):
Always fun to watch the students reaction when first used.
Liz Kolb says (19:38:03):
Paul R Wood says to (19:38:22):
Student smore than willing to work within the framework when shown ways to use it and why
Paul R Wood says to (19:40:01):
So many different ways that we need to bring others to the water and show them the reasons to drink
Liz Kolb says (19:40:35):
Hi Kim!
Paul R Wood says to (19:41:19):
@kimcaise how are you?
kcaise says to (19:41:23):
hi all!
kcaise says to (19:41:32):
how was the damage at home paul
Paul R Wood says to (19:41:46):
It is ugly to saythe least.
kcaise says to (19:41:51):
oh no, ss to hear that
Paul R Wood says to (19:42:36):
Yep all for the protection of the power lines. Trees were no where near them
Liz Kolb says (19:43:03):
Link to Jimbo's Yodio project
Paul R Wood says to (19:44:49):
Ah the power of twitter keeps on shining
Paul R Wood says to (19:45:28):
Great that yodio was so very willing to work with you.
Paul R Wood says to (19:47:28):
When I went thru school we were using slide rules. We have come so wonderfully far.
Liz Kolb says (19:47:49):
Hi Rich, thanks for joining us
Paul R Wood says to (19:49:00):
Good point on the ettiquette
Rich Mackrell says to (19:49:00):
How much time have you taken to teach the students how to use their cell phones for your classroom needs?
Paul R Wood says to (19:49:25):
I see that as empowering the students and they are all for that
Rich Mackrell says to (19:50:49):
Did you need permission forms since texting has a cost?
Liz Kolb says (19:51:15):
@Rich --- good question I will ask
Liz Kolb says (19:52:31):
I like the responsibility...students should know their plans
Paul R Wood says to (19:52:47):
Agreed @Liz
Rich Mackrell says to (19:53:14):
Awesome ideas.
Paul R Wood says to (19:53:41):
Like the idea about bringing in a bill to look at with the students
Liz Kolb says (19:54:07):
@Paul me too!!!! I'm going to do that
Paul R Wood says to (19:54:37):
If you explain it to the parents they ARE very appreciative.
Paul R Wood says to (19:55:15):
Me niether
Paul R Wood says to (19:55:48):
Most parents want their children to use things properly
Liz Kolb says (19:56:16):
Paul R Wood says to (19:57:31):
Someone disgruntled about video on youtube is what it sounds like
Liz Kolb says (19:59:20):
Start Small!!
Paul R Wood says to (19:59:48):
Great job LIZ and thank you @misterlamb.
kcaise says to (19:59:52):
good suggestion
Rich Mackrell says to (19:59:58):
Awesome job Jimbo, you've definitely givem some ideas to walk away with...
Paul R Wood says to (20:00:17):
Also let an administrator use your polleverywhere account and let them play and the understand better
misterlamb says to (20:00:39):
Use it in a faculty meeting to show the power of the tool
kcaise says to (20:01:05):
thanks liz and jimbo
kcaise says to (20:01:08):
nite all
Liz Kolb says (20:01:12):
Thanks for joining us tonight everyone! You really need to check out Jimbo's wiki and blog
Liz Kolb says (20:01:49):
I know a superintendent (62 years) who used Polleverywhere at the 1st day of school meeting! Loved that
misterlamb says to (20:02:09):
I am getting excited about this coming school year, as I will be working with integrating cell phones with lower-level students
Liz Kolb says (20:03:00):
Cannot wait to hear about it!
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