Thursday, April 23, 2009

Cell Phones in Learning Radio Show: Wed April 22nd, Interview with Technology Coordinator Paul Wood

Liz Kolb:Welcome Everyone
Liz Kolb:
Jeff Stanzler:EVERNOTE
Liz Kolb:Hi Peggy!
Liz Kolb:
Jeff Stanzler:Welcome to Peggy and everyone!
Peggy_G:Hi Liz and Jeff-had a hard time getting to the chat!
Jeff Stanzler:I did, too
Peggy_G:clap clap!!
Peggy_G:keeps logging me out--oh well-I'm excited to be here for the live show :-)
Liz Kolb:GoogleSMS
Liz Kolb:41411
Peggy_G:that makes so much sense!! use the tools they already have in their pockets!
Liz Kolb:Hi Richard
Jeff Stanzler:@)Peggy: absolutely!
Guest6596:my display name is now Guest6597
Guest6596:my display name is now Guest6597!
Liz Kolb:HI Kim Yhanks for joining us
Peggy_G:are Paul's students allowed to use their cell phones in any of their classes?
Liz Kolb:Ooops...that was Thanks
Liz Kolb:@Peggy good question will ask
kcaise:hi liz, hi everyone
Jeff Stanzler:welcome. kcalse
Peggy_G:Hi Kim! glad you could join us :-)
kcaise:hi peggy
Peggy_G:Paul anticipated their concerns in the way he set it up. Great job!
Liz Kolb:Kstevens77 on Twitter
Peggy_G:I'd love to hear more about the twitter uses :-) did your colleagues respond to mobiles in the classroom?
Liz Kolb:@Richard...Will ask
Peggy_G:are the students anonymous in PollEverywhere or can teachers track the answers?
Liz Kolb:@Peggy--I believe you can do either
Peggy_G:how refreshing that cell phones aren't banned!! opens lots of opportunities for learning
Peggy_G:how do the cell phones affect the bandwidth?
Liz Kolb:@Peggy---they don't that is why he wants to use them.
Peggy_G:thanks--wasn't quite clear about that use of mobiles open up new types of "learning," ones that might not be quantifiable in traditional curricula?
Peggy_G:if I use my iPhone in a wireless environment it picks up on that wireless signal
kcaise:fantastic interview paul!!
Peggy_G:thank you for the Twitter details! very helpful!
Liz Kolb:@paulrwood
Peggy_G:so sorry to see this end! Great show!
Jeff Stanzler:Thanks to everyone in the chat...Paul was great, wasn't he?
Liz Kolb:@Peggy that is a good point...if you use mobile Internet on Smart Phones that does take up some BW
Peggy_G:Yes Paul is fantastic!
Liz Kolb:Thanks Everyone!!!


@ktbercury said...

Thank you, this was *incredibly* helpful with the concrete details of what cell phone use in classrooms can look like.

Jesmi said...

Thank you

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