Sunday, November 16, 2008

Louisiana State Community College is Offering Courses VIa Cell Phone

I have posted on this blog about courses being conducted over cell phones in Japan, and I am thrilled to report that we are starting to see mobile courses ifiltrate the U.S.. Wes Fryer posted this article from 2theadvocate, which describes how Louisiana State Community Colleges are going to start offering courses via cell phone starting in January 2009. While you cannot use a basic cell phone, students who have iPhones and Blackberries can take the courses without having to enter a classroom or get on a computer! They have a link on their registration page when students can register for the mobile courses and download the ebooks to their cell phones. By using mobile courses, students can enroll from all over the state, they don't have to worry about getting to a phsycial space for class or even having Internet access in the form of a computer. This is truly anytime, anywhere, anyplace learning!

Accessibility is an Issue...but not for long
While 70% of Lousianians have cell phones, participants do need to have touch screens and keypads in order to properly participate in the class. However, the community colleges are hopeful that with prices constantly dropping on these fancier cell phones, their mobile courses will slowly become more accessible to all the citizens of the state.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well these cell phones are really cool. Thanks for the nice stuff.

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