Monday, July 14, 2008

Text Messagers For Hire: Mobile Jobs for the 21st Century Learner

I am teaching a literacy course for inservice teachers. Today we discussed cell phones and we were talking about ChaCha. ChaCha is a resource that you can call (1-800), ask any question, and get a text message answer. I never knew who the people were answering the questions until today. One of the teachers told me that her son's (in college) summer job is to research the questions ask and answer them. She said he had to take a test on his research and mobile skills. He earns some money for every question answered and can log in to answer the questions on his own time! This got me thinking about the many ways that students can currently use their mobile skills for employment. I came across a resource called Mob4Hire, which asks people to test upcoming mobile software and give feedback. The testers get paid for their work. Therefore instead of students going to local businesses and working the cash register or as a caddy (I have anything against this type of employment), they can now be interviewed, get a job, and get paid via mobile phone (AKA--the "free agent" learner or future employee). Even more of a reason why we need to be structuring learning and knowledge around these 21st Century tools.

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