Friday, June 6, 2008

Liz's Workshop in Olivet, Michigan

I will be presenting two workshops at Calhoun Intermediate Schools in Olivet Michigan on August 13th. I just found out they are open to the public. At my past conference presentations I have been asked if I was doing local workshops on "how to" use cell phones in learning. Most of the workshops I have done, have been private, but since this one is open to the public I thought I would put the handout for the workshops below (click on the image for a larger view). If you are interested, you can click on this link for more information.


Anonymous said...

You might be interested in the advice given for safe cell phone use, recommending that people use earpieces and don't carry the phone on their body without a holster.

Charlie Roy said...

Good luck with your workshops. I'm sure they will go great and you will help an entire school not view the cell phone as something evil. All the best.


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