Sunday, August 30, 2009

Teachers Use Cell Phones to Tweet at Movies!

In order to help students improve their writing skills (and thinking around writing & literacy), principle Kipp Rogers at Passages Middle School in Virginia decided to have his teachers do an activity with their cell phones at the movie theater! Yes! They were asked to turn on their cell phones and text message to twitter during the movie Julie & Julia.


sarah said...

It's really great way to connect to students.I think in these days Twitter is widely used by people.In this digital world use of new technology is very important for making life easy.

Myblogspan said...

Those who think blogging skills are exercised using Twitter know nothing about either. Blogging can involve analysis and distillation, filtered through an individual's worldview, to present information on a topic. It is impossible to blog in the 140-character limited Twitter format.

Anonymous said...

Yeah its really good and interesting way of learning in the schools.

These days many social sites are really helpful in learning like Twitter,likedin. These are helpful to communicate with other and one can share your thoughts through this.

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prepaid services said...

Most of our teachers in school are already hooked in Twitter. This is actually a great way for them to connect with their students.

Anonymous said...

Edmodo is The Twitter for education, really useful.

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