Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Rocketron...Listen To News On Your Phone...On Demand

If you call 408.907.2323, you can hear the latest news anywhere, anyplace, at anytime. This is a resource called Rocketron. You do not have to create an online account to use the resource, just call the number. Once you call, you can set up your account or just listen to the latest news. The entire service is voice activated, so you ask for the news you would like to hear such as "political news" or "sports". You can also ask for "main menu" at anytime to get a list of all the news feeds. In the past I have used Jott (Jott Feeds) for the ability to listen to news over my cell phone, this is a more convenient option since I do not have to create an account in Jott or set up the feeds myself, Rocketron does this for me.

Learning Connections
Assistive for VI students
Immediately I thought of visually impaired students. This would be an easy way for them to access news feeds on-demand and to learn about current events.

Current Events
Students in a social studies or business class could listen to their current events on-the-go (since we know students prefer to learn anytime, anywhere, and anyplace). While waiting at the bus stop, or in line for food, they could listen to national, business, or political news and be ready for a current events discussion the next class day. Additonally, they learn how to use their cell phone to get important and pressing news and information.

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