Wednesday, July 23, 2008

6 Degrees of Flickr Mobile

Have you tried your Flickr mobile account yet? If not, you may want to activate it. You can easily activate it by logging in to your Flickr account and clicking on Uploading Tools---Email. You will be given an email address where you (or your students) can send mobile pictures (using any basic cell phone SMS service) to your private or public (you decide) Flickr photo account. What is this so great? While, you can always use the pictures in the Flickr account (such as adding them to a specific location on the Flickr Map, adding descriptions, or just using them as data to download or review). But the best part about Flickr is that Flickr couples with so many other web2.0 applications. This means that for homework students can start a project with Flickr mobile (such as a digital storybook), where they create and take the pictures with their cell phone at home, in the park, or at any other location. Then they can send them to the class Flickr account. Since Flickr couples with Jumpcut (a free easy to use web-based video editor), back in school, students can import their pictures into Jumpcut and edit (no need to bring the cell phone into school). Flickr mobile can be real time savor on picture-based projects. Here is a short list of web2.0 that couple with Flickr photos:
Jumpcut (Video Editing)
Planeteye (Travel Brochures and Maps)
TripperMap (Interactive Maps)
Picasion (create animated gifs)
Flickr SlideShows
Bubblr (Comic Strips)Picnic (edit Flickr Photos)
Splashr (Presenting Photos)
Picmarkr (Watermarks)
PageFlakes (Start page)
Wikispaces (Your Own Wiki)
Slideroll (Slideshows)
Scrapblog (Scrap booking)

Do you have any favorite sites that couple with Flickr? Please comment and add them!

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

I used to think I was the only human on the planet without a cell phone. Then I got a cell phone. Now I am the only one without texting/video options (because I am cheap). Every time you post or talk about this in class, I get a strong urge to run out and upgrade.
Liz, you are a dangerous woman!

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